Next Level POS

Profit Track Support

Please Note.The support service we provide is not a training resource. If you are calling for training on an area or aspect of Profit Track  we may set an appointment for a later time as the support resource should be free to help customers experiencing problems. Training is a paid service that we offer please see our “Other Services” section for details.

Toll Free Call

Support Entitlements

Next Level POS provides Profit Track Software support to all customers with a current Profit Track Software subscription. 

Non urgent support (anything that is not preventing sales ability) is available between the hours of 8:00am and 5:00pm on week days.

Urgent support (Non Trade situations) is provided 24/7 any day of the week.

Profit Track Software Support is delivered over the phone and remote connection to you computer via the Team Viewer application.
Support covers Profit Track software and Profit Track integrations only.

Getting in Contact with us.

If you have an urgent support issue there is no substitute for picking up the phone and making a call

Our main phone number will connect to any available support staff member. You may leave a message but please call back in a few minutes if the call goes unanswered. If you do leave a message please ensure you tell us the details of your emergency and include your Name , Name of your company and a brief description of the problem.

If you have a non urgent support issue you may in addition to calling, Email us or contact us via our social media messaging or website contact form. Any other method of contact does not guarantee a call back. While we do use a variety of chat apps to get photos and video back and forth if you need to show us something, your initial contact should always be through one of the four main methods Phone, Email, Website and Social Media.

For After hours EMERGENCY NON TRADE support issues, call the main office number and select the after hours urgent support option. Calls through the after hours channel for non emergency’s will potentially be charged at after hours rates.

Before you contact support.

   There are a number of things we  need to know to help us get you

up and going as fast as possible.

  • Have you turned it off and on again? in many cases a simple “off and on again” can resolve the issue. Computers and other electronic equipment can develop temporary bugs due to external factors such as power fluctuations and unexpected inputs etc. Most things are made to reset when the power is cycled. if the problem affects something that is connected to you computer please restart both units before calling
  • Is there an error message? what does it say? In many cases an error message that pops up will give us a clue and a good head start to finding the fault or solution, we ask that you have this information for us when you call.
  • What were you doing in the system when the fault occurred? Where applicable this can help us to replicate the problem or the error message  and this in turn can speed up
  • Team Viewer ID and password. It’s possible that we may need to connect to your computer so you should know where to find the team viewer information (This information will only be available after you have downloaded and installed Team Viewer.) You can click on the team viewer icon below to Download Team Viewer if you don’t already have it.

Download Team Viewer.

  • Click on the Team Viewer icon to the left to download Team Viewer
  • Run the downloaded file and select the option for both business and personal
  • On completion of install Team viewer will open and you will see a section that shows “Your ID” and “Your Password” 
  • Please have this information ready.

Things Profit Track support does not cover.

  • Onsite requests – We are happy to schedule a visit to you site but call out fees will apply
  • Hardware upgrades – Over the course of several years your Servers, POS terminals and PTclient computers will need to be replaced due to several factors that limit a computers practical lifespan and hardware failure, this is something that all businesses have to do and is not considered to be a support is but rather, a reinstallation. the exception to this is if hardware fails within warranty period.
  • Hardware faults – Hardware is covered by the manufacturers return to base warranty. We will absolutely meet our obligations in regards to warranty service but the provisions of the manufacturer warranty is that the item is returned to place of purchase if you require a pick up and or a temporary rental unit while your equipment is being serviced let us know and we will advise you on any costs prior to beginning service.
  • After Hours for non urgent issues. – please save all non urgent support calls for business hours.
  • Training – Our support resources must be kept free for people who are having problems. You may call for a reminder on some aspect of profit track functionality if you have received the training before, otherwise please book a training session. We urge our customers to keep their in house knowledge of Profit track and its systems up to date – creating procedural documentation can help with this.
  • Third party services such as internet and internal wireless or wired computer networks – In most cases we can tell you if these areas are the cause of an issue and recommend a course of action however if onsite is requested the normal fees will apply.
  • Your Operating system – We provide computer equipment with a new and clean installation of Windows operating system. If it is determined that your operating system has become damaged due to hardware failure While under warranty we will meet our obligations and restore the equipment to initial install specification. in all other cases operating system configuration or reload will be provided at our normal rates.
  • Data recovery in the absence of a backup – We provide at minimum, a USB drive and training to the manager or delegated staff member. If Data is lost and there is no backup we can rebuild a back office database from a POS lane it is a lengthy job that would not be necessary if a backup had been performed therefore we would charge for this job.